Register Now for the 2024 Conference!

Good morning, all,

We will be having our conference this week, Oct. 2th-4th. 

Any attendees that cannot make it due to the storm will have the ability to watch each talk post the conference and receive their CEU credits. 

Our hearts go out to Western part of North Carolina and Tennessee and any others that were affected by the hurricane. Our thoughts and prayers are with them. 

Thank you for your support and if you have any questions, please let me know.

Thank you,

Mark Waugh, President of the CSS

Cell: 240-291-5072

*Note that you can stay through the weekend on these discounted rates. If you have any issues with booking, please contact Mark Waugh at mwaugh@medbridgegroup.com.

Fall Meeting: Thursday, Oct. 3th – Friday, Oct. 4th, 2024

Wednesday evening (10/2) Vendor reception and meetings start Thursday

We will be at the same location!


Our 2023 Sponsors